After installation is complete in windows 8.1 or any windows the setup finalize the default setting for your system. In some cases, the process of finalizing your setting may stuck. The reason may be there are background processes that may stop the process to go further or due to any connected devices to the system. You can easily fix the problem by disconnecting the other connected USB devices. After removing the device you should wait for 5 minutes it will work. If this doesn't work try to end the back ground process. To do that press shift+F10 to get the command prompt. ⇒Type tasklist in command prompt, it will show you the current tasks running in background. ⇒Now type tasklist /v to view in details. You will see two or three cmd.exe process one of them will be the Microsoft kb update that is causing the problem. ⇒We need to end the right task to fix the probem. Next to the cmd.exe there will be a four digit number which is the process ID. ⇒type ...
If you are looking for fun and mind-bending puzzle games here are some cool games that you should try. 1. hocus. It is a minimal perspective illusion puzzle game. You only have to move the red square box to the red hole. But the shapes are designed in such a way that you have to think to select the path to the hole. The game is free up to 50th level after that it asks for the purchase. Download the game here . 2. infinity loop In this game, you have to connect all the lines and corners to make perfect connections. The game has the second mode which is called dark mode. In which you have to disconnect all the connections. The game has infinite levels and you can create your own level as well as you can share it too. Download the game here . 3. Loopline In this game, different shapes are crossing each other and each shape has line moving in it. You have to synchronize ea...